Give yourself a chance to have fun. We work while you play.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thanking Saint Patrick

My aunt, who is in Europe called me two days ago and informed me of their plans for St. Patrick’s Day. She made mention of events that they are looking forward on the 17th and I’m pretty sure they are going to enjoy it. Our clan is very much known for our deep dedication to our religion and along with that is our enthusiasm to commemorate special occasions such as the feast of Saint Patrick; which is why I clearly understand why my aunt bothered to make a phone call only to inform me of her affairs and if I was interested to fly in and join them. Unfortunately, there is a lot of work to do here and I can’t leave it knowing that it might disrupt business activities. I’m needed here and I must stay. Hopefully, next year I can spend time with friends and family because I already had the opportunity of witnessing this event for many years since I was young.

I find religious practices very enlightening and it plays a vital role in one’s personal development. Having faith in almost what I do is the least I can do to survive different trials in my life and I am just thankful that I am blessed. This coming Saint Patrick’s Day, I will be spending a moment of silence to be thankful for all the blessings, for the presence of family and friends, for the wonderful life I have been provided of, and for the struggles that kept me strong all these years.

But for now, I have to work. For now I have to attend to my responsibilities. For now I will face my life like always because I cannot miss a day like Saint Patrick’s Day. It’s one of the days when I am able to remember the traces of my footsteps. By knowing where I started and where it has put me today is a gesture of gratefulness.